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Educating Both Ends of the Leash

In-Person Services

Life changes are exciting but can be challenging too, especially when there are children involved. Gain knowledgeable support and experienced guidance, tailored to your personal needs, whether you are new to dog ownership, new to parenthood, or trying to make it all work with both.

Learn more here

Family Focused Support

Dogs, like families, come in all forms and sizes, each with their own unique style. At times they need help adjusting to the ever-changing dynamics of family life! Dogs and their families need more than “training”; they need understanding, patience, and support. As a Family Paws Parent Educator (since 2012) and certified Family Dog Mediator, supporting families is my passion as well as the mainstay of my business.

Learn more here

Remote Services

Consultations, coaching, and support can be available more timely, in smaller chunks at a time, and without distance constraints or the disruption to dogs (and people) of a new person’s presence. Remote sessions are a great way to stretch the opportunities to meet and thus get started quickly toward achieving your goals.

Learn more here

“Some people talk to animals. Not many listen though. That's the problem.”

- A.A. Milne, Winnie the Pooh

Helpful Videos

Intro to
Family Paws Parent Education

Roudenbush Community Center
interview with Lisa Bert